

发布日期: 2023年01月06日 00:00



















1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,单颗粒水平研究等离激元手性场调控量子点圆偏振发光特性与机制。主持人:郭立俊。

2. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,单分子酶促反应与分子构象动力学研究。主持人:郭立俊。3. 国家自然科学基金-河南联合基金,单分子水平实时研究蛋白在磷脂双层膜表面的吸附行为和机制。主持人:郭立俊。

4. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,表面等离激元与单量子系统室温强耦合作用量子调控研究。主持人:刘仁明。

5. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,高效等离激元-单辐射子强耦合及其能级Rabi劈裂精确测量。主持人:刘仁明。

6. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金,超分子组装Au纳米团簇手性复合材料及其圆偏振发光特性研究。主持人:冉霞。

7. 国家自然科学基金-河南联合基金,新型偶氮苯衍生物的光控自组装结构及其光物理性质。主持人:冉霞。

8. 国家自然科学基金-河南联合基金,垂直InAsInSb纳米线阵列的可控生长及应用特性研究。主持人:李天锋。

9. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金,QDs-MoS2异质结光电性质与其界面调控机制的单分子水平研究。主持人:王晓娟。

10. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金,基于ICG-mtAuNRs-Lip探针的光热光动力协同作用效率研究。主持人:贺宇路。

11. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金,半导体量子点与金属等离激元结构间的量子态耦合与转化的动力学研究。主持人:邝艳敏。

12. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金, 二维过渡金属硫族化合物中激子态及其超快动力学过程研究。主持人:池振。




1. Zhanpeng Liu, Xiangbo Ding, Lin Cai, Yihan Jia, Xia Ran*, Zhongzheng Guo, Dan Mo, Yatao Pan* and Lijun Guo*, Cascade energy transfer endows phosphorescent carbon dots-based films with tunable and broadband afterglow for fingerprint recognition and anticounterfeiting, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2025, 506, 160311.

2. Xia Ran, Yatao Pan*, Lulu Qiao, Lin Cai, Yihan Jia, Zhanpeng Liu, and Lijun Guo*, Broadband and dynamic afterglow photoluminescent carbon dots for time-resolved optical information coding and encryption, Carbon, 2025, 234, 119980

3. Yanshen Zhu, Shida Luo, Yuting Zhang, Yanping Liu, Yulu He, Tianfeng Li, Zhen Chi* and Lijun Guo*, Modulating hot carrier relaxation and trapping dynamics in lead halide perovskite nanoplatelets by surface passivation, Nanoscale, 2025, 17, 584-591.

4. Qian Wang, Anyu Yue, Fengchun Wang, Songwang Shan, Yulu He,* Zhen Chi, Wenqiang Wu, Xia Ran, and Lijun Guo*, GSH Oligomer-Directed Chiral Au-Helicoid Nanoparticles for Discriminating Penicillamine Enantiomers, Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 16206−16216

5. Yuting Zhang, Shida Luo, Yanshen Zhu, Yanping Liu, Yulu He*, Xiaojuan Wang, Zhen Chi, Lijun Guo*, Promoting photoelectric performance through extraction of hot electron from Cu-doped CdSe quantum dots, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2024,1005, 176037.

6. Lu Tan, Xiaojuan Wang,*, Xilin Zhang, Tianfeng Li, Xia Ran, Yanmin Kuang, Yulu He, Zhen Chi, Lijun Guo*, Regulating ligand length to improve the PL QY and stability of CsPbCl0.9Br2.1 nanocrystals for LEDs and photoelectric applications, Surfaces and Interfaces 2024, 52, 104972.

7. Lulu Qiao, Zhijie Fu, Bingbing Li, Zhanpeng Liu, Lin Cai, Yatao Pan, Xia Ran,* Yulu He, Wenqiang Wu, Zhen Chi, Renming Liu, and Lijun Guo*, Heteroatom doping promoted ultrabright and ultrastable photoluminescence of water-soluble Au/Ag nanoclusters for visual and efficient drug delivery to cancer cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024, 16, 34510−34523.

8. Renming Liu*, Ming Geng, Jindong Ai, Xinyi Fan, Zhixiang Liu,Yu-Wei Lu, Yanmin Kuang, Jing-Feng Liu*, LijunGuo* & Lin Wu*, Deterministic positioning and alignment of a single-molecule exciton in plasmonic nanodimer for strong coupling, Nature Communications, 2024, 15:4103.

9. Xingyi He, Tianfeng Li,* Zifan Liang, Renming Liu, Xia Ran, Xiaojuan Wang, Lijun Guo,*and Caofeng Pan*, Enhanced cyan photoluminescence and stability of CsPbBr3 quantum dots via surface engineering for white light-emitting diodes, Adv. Optical Mater., 2024, 2302726.

10. Yatao Pan #, Mingyue Xu #, Lin Cai, Lulu Qiao, Shihong Wang, Kun Zhang,* Xia Ran, and Lijun Guo*, Red dual-emissive carbon dots for Cu2+ selective detection and dynamical monitoring, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2024, 7, 10731−10738.

11. Shida Luo, Yuting Zhang, Yanshen Zhu, Xiao-Juan Wang, Xia Ran, Yulu He, Yanmin Kuang, Zhen Chi*, and Lijun Guo*, Size-regulated hole and triplet energy transfer from CdSe quantum dots to organic acceptors for enhancing singlet oxygen generation, Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 62(46), 19087-19095.

12. Yaru Chen #, Rixin Wang #, Yanmin Kuang*, Yangyang Bian, Fei Chen, Huaibin Shen, Zhen Chi, Xia Ran and Lijun Guo*, Suppressed Auger recombination and enhanced emission of InP/ZnSe/ZnS quantum dots through inner shell manipulation, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 18920-18927.

13. Guangjing Hou#, Yatao Pan#, Lulu Qiao , Xia Ran , Tianfeng Li , Zhen Chi *, Pingan Liu , Yulu He, Yanmin Kuang , Lijun Guo*, Band alignment driven efficient electron transfer and enhanced photoelectric property of gold nanoclusters sensitized graphene quantum dot composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 969, 172261.

14. Yatao Pan, Lulu Qiao, Zhichao Zhu, Xia Ran*, Yanmin Kuang, Zhen Chi, Yulu He, Renming Liu*, and Lijun Guo*, Highly enhanced photoluminescence and suppressed blinking of N-doped carbon dots by targeted passivation of amine group for mechanistic insights and Vis-NIR excitation bioimaging application, Carbon, 2023, 213, 118212.

15. Junjun Ye#, Yatao Pan#, Guanghui Liu# , Wei Li, Renming Liu*, Ming Geng, Zhixiang Liu, Zhen Chi, Xia Ran*, Yanmin Kuang, Yulu He, and Lijun Guo*,Strong coupling between a plasmon mode and multiple different exciton states, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron., 2023, 66(4), 244212.

16. Yulong Weng, Qian Wang, Cong Zhang, Yulu He,* Xia Ran, Yanmin Kuang,Renming Liu and Lijun Guo*, Near-infrared photothermal therapy of chiral Au helicoids with broadband optical absorption, New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 882-890.

17. Yatao Pan#, Guangjing Hou#, Xiaojuan Wang, Xia Ran, Pingan Liu*, and Lijun Guo*, N, F-doped graphene quantum dots effectively inhibit the fibrillization of amyloid-beta peptide (1-42), Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2023, 299, 127522.

18. Tianfeng Li#, Mengdi Qiao#, Xingyi He, Rui Zhu, Xia Ran, Xiaojuan Wang*,Yu Jia and Lijun Guo*, Ultrabright blue-light-emitting cesium bromide quantum dots for white LEDs, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 5721-5724.

19. Zhen Chi#, Jia Xu#, Shida Luo, Xia Ran, Xiaojuan Wang, Pingan Liu,* Yulu He, Yanmin Kuang and Lijun Guo*,Triplet generation at the CdTe quantum dot/anthracene interface mediated by hot and thermalized electron exchange for enhanced production of singlet oxygen, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 8913-8920.

20. Wen-Qiang Wu #,*, Xin Zhang#, Di Bai, Song-Wang Shan, and Li-Jun Guo*, Mechanistic insights into into poly(C)-binding protein hnRNP K resolving i-motif DNA secondary structures, J. Biol. Chem., 2022, 298(12), 102670.

21. Jia Xu, Yatao Pan, Zhongran Wei, Shida Luo, Xia Ran, Yulu He, Renming Liu, Zhen Chi *, and Lijun Guo*, Efficient charge separation and enhanced photocurrent of CdTe quantum dots-Au nanoclusters composite with type-II band alignment, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2022, 120, 143902.

22. Yatao Pan, Zhongran Wei, Mengdi Ma, Xin Zhang, Zhen Chi, Yulu He, Xiaojuan Wang, Xia Ran* and Lijun Guo*,Broadened optical absorption, enhanced photoelectric conversion and ultrafast carrier dynamics of N, P co-doped carbon dots, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 5794-5802.

23. Xia Ran#, Congcong Chen#, Zhongran Wei, Zhen Chi*, Yatao Pan, Yanmin Kuang, Xiaojuan Wang, Lijun Guo*, Shell-dependent blinking and ultrafast carrier dynamics in CdxZn1-xSeyS1-y@ZnS core/shell quantum dots, Journal of Luminescence, 2022, 248, 118953.

24. Xiaojuan Wang#, Wei Zhao#, Haixia Lin, Conghui Yao, Yulu He, Xia Ran, Lijun Guo*, Tianfeng Li*, Facet-dependent photocatalytic and photoelectric properties of CQDs/TiO2 composites under visible irradiation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 920, 165896.

25. Yulu He#, Jin Chen#, Renming Liu, Yulong Weng, Cong Zhang, Yanmin Kuang, Xiaojuan Wang, Lijun Guo,* and Xia Ran*, Suppressed blinking and polarization-dependent emission enhancement of single ZnCdSe/ZnS Dot coupled with Au nanorods, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14, 12901-12910.

26. Zhongran Wei, Yatao Pan, Xiangyu Huo, Yulu He, Yanmin Kuang, Xia Ran,* and Lijun Guo*, Quantum beats in fluorescence dynamics generated from multiple pulse excitations to reveal the degenerate excited states in bovine serum albumin-protected Au25(SR)18 nanoclusters, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2022, 126, 3512-3519.

27. Zhongran Wei, Yatao Pan, Guangjing Hou, Xia Ran,* Zhen Chi, Yulu He, Yanmin Kuang, Xiaojuan Wang, Renming Liu, and Lijun Guo*, Excellent multiphoton excitation fluorescence with large multiphoton absorption cross sections of arginine-modified gold nanoclusters for Bioimaging, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14, 2452-2463.

28. Xia Ran, Yanqiu Li, Zhongran Wei, Xiangyu Huo, Yulu He, Xiaojuan Wang, Yanmin Kuang* and Lijun Guo*, Highly enhanced nonlinear optical absorption with ultrafast charge transfer of reduced graphene oxide hybridized by an azobenzene derivative, Optics Express, 2021, 29(4):5213-5225.