2020.1 -至今,河南大学,物理与电子学院,副教授
1) 低维半导体材料电子结构和新奇物性。
2) 二维压电、铁电和多铁材料。
3) 新型低维材料的理论设计。
1) 国家自然科学基金-面上项目(12474224),2025.01-2028.12。
2) 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目(21603056),2017.01-2019.12。
3) 河南省自然科学基金-面上项目(202300410069),2023.01-2024.12。
4) 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(23A140015)2023.01-2024.12。
5) 河南大学“青年英才计划”项目,2019.01-2021.12。
6) 中国博士后科学基金-“香江学者”计划项目(XJ2016045),2017.01-2018.12。
7) 河南省科技发展项目-基础与前沿技术研究项目(162300410224),2016.01-2018.12。
1. Qingsheng Zhang, Shuya Yuan, Huabing Yin*, Jianjun Yang and Zhongjie Guan*, Achieving long-lived photogenerated holes in ZnIn2S4 loaded with CoOx clusters for enhanced photocatalytic pure water splitting, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12, 18204 (2024).
2. Jialong Qi, Huizhen Han, Shuli Yang, Lili Kang*, Huabing Yin*, and Gaofeng Zhao*, Theoretical study of metal contacts to the monolayer ferroelectric material CuInP2S6 and its device applications, Applied Physics Letters, 125, 042903 (2024).
3. Fumin Zhang and Huabing Yin*, First-principles studies of the metal atom dependent physical properties of one-dimensional metal-cluster nanowires X4OTe9I4 (X = Nb, Ti), Physical Review B, 109, 245404 (2024).
4. Wenjiang Gao, Xiaobo Shi , Yusen Qiao, Meiyang Yu, and Huabing Yin*,Strain-dependent near-zero and negative Poisson ratios in a two-dimensional (CuI)P4Se4 monolayer, Physical Review B, 109, 075402 (2024).
5. Fumin Zhang, Lili Kang, Chang Liu, Bing Wang, and Huabing Yin*, The polarization-modulated electronic structure and giant tunneling-electroresistance effect of a one-dimensional ferroelectric Ta4OTe9I4 nanowire, Applied Physics Letters, 123, 202903 (2023).
6. Siyuan Liu, Huabing Yin*, and Peng-Fei Liu*, Strain-dependent electronic and mechanical properties in one-dimensional topological insulator Nb4SiTe4, Physical Review B, 108, 045411 (2023).
7. Yusen Qiao and Huabing Yin*, Ferromagnetic and half-metallic phase transition by doping in a one-dimensional narrow-bandgap W6PCl17 semiconductor, Nanoscale, 15, 9835 (2023).
8. Yusen Qiao, Huimin Shen, Fumin Zhang, Siyuan Liu, and Huabing Yin*, W4PCl11 monolayer: an unexplored 2D material with moderate direct bandgap and strong visible-light absorption for highly efficient solar cells, Nanoscale, 14, 12386-12394 (2022).
9. Shujuan Jiang, Huabing Yin*, and Guang-Ping Zheng*, Monolayer GaOCl: a novel wide-bandgap 2D material with hole-doping-induced ferromagnetism and multidirectional piezoelectricity, Nanoscale, 14, 11369-11377 (2022).
10. Weizhen Chen, Siyuan Liu, Bing Wang*, Huabing Yin*, Novel one- and two-dimensional InSbS3 semiconductors for photocatalytic water splitting: The role of edge electron states, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47, 27481-27492 (2022).
11. Siyuan Liu, Huabing Yin*, David J. Singh, and Peng-Fei Liu*, Ta4SiTe4: A possible one-dimensional topological insulator, Physical Review B, 105, 195419 (2022).
12. Shujuan Jiang, Siyuan Liu, Yi Wang, Weizhen Chen, Huabing Yin*, Bing Wang, Chang Liu, Zhenzhen Feng, and Guang-Ping Zheng*, Ferroelectricity in novel one-dimensional P42-InSeI nanowires, Results in Physics, 31, 104960 (2021).
13. Pengyu Liu, Guangbiao Zhang, Yuli Yan, Guanwei Jia, Chang Liu*, Bing Wang*, and Huabing Yin*, Strain-tunable phase transition and doping-induced magnetism in iodinene, Applied Physics Letters, 119, 102403 (2021).
14. Yaxuan Wu, Wei Sun, Siyuan Liu, Bing Wang,* Chang Liu,* Huabing Yin*, and Zhenxiang Cheng*, Ni(NCS)2 monolayer: a robust bipolar magnetic semiconductor, Nanoscale, 13, 16564-16570 (2021).
15. Weizhen Chen, Huabing Yin*, Shujuan jiang, Siyuan Liu, Chang Liu, Bing Wang*, and Guang-Ping Zheng*, Anomalous layer-dependent electronic and piezoelectric properties of 2D GaInS3 nanosheets, Applied Physics Letters, 118, 213103 (2021).
16. Chang Liu, Bing Wang, Guanwei Jia, Pengyu Liu, Huabing Yin*, Shan Guan*, and Zhenxiang Cheng, Tunable magnetism in ferroelectric α-In2Se3 by hole-doping, Applied Physics Letters, 118, 072902 (2021).
17. Xiaobo Shi, Shujuan Jiang, Huabing Yin*, Jianhua Zhao*, and Gaofeng Zhao*, Anomalous Anisotropy of the Piezoelectric Response in 2D Copper-Based Ternary Chalcogenides CuMX2, Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters, 15, 2100304 (2021).
18. Shujuan Jiang, Jingyu Li, Weizhen Chen, Huabing Yin*, Guang-Ping Zheng*, and Yuanxu Wang, InTeI: a novel wide-bandgap 2D material with desirable stability and highly anisotropic carrier mobility, Nanoscale, 12, 5888 (2020).
19. Jingyu Li, Peng-Fei Liu, Chi Zhang, Xiaobo Shi, Shujuan Jiang, Weizhen Chen, Huabing Yin*, Bao-Tian Wang*, Lattice vibrational modes and phonon thermal conductivity of singlelayer GaGeTe, Journal of Materiomics, 6, 723-728 (2020).
20. Huabing Yin, Chang Liu, Guang-Ping Zheng, Yuanxu Wang, and Fengzhu Ren, Ab initio simulation studies on the room-temperature ferroelectricity in two dimensional β-phase GeS, Applied Physics Letters, 114, 192903 (2019).
21. Huabing Yin, Jingwei Gao, Guang-Ping Zheng, Yuanxu Wang, Yuchen Ma, Giant piezoelectric effects in monolayer group-V binary compounds with honeycomb phases: a first-principles prediction, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121, 25576-25584 (2017).
22. Huabing Yin, Guang-Ping Zheng, Jingwei Gao, Yuanxu Wang, Yuchen Ma, Enhanced piezoelectricity of monolayer phosphorene oxides: a theoretical study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, 27508 (2017).
23. Huabing Yin, Yuchen Ma*, Jinglin Mu, Chengbu Liu*, and Michael Rohlfing, Charge-transfer excited states in aqueous DNA: Insights from many-body Green function theory, Physical Review Letters, 112, 228301 (2014).
24. Huabing Yin, Yuchen Ma*, Xiaotao Hao, Jinglin Mu, Chengbu Liu*, and Zhijun Yi, Quasiparticle electronic structure and optical absorption of diamond nanoparticles from ab initio many-body perturbation theory, Journal of Chemical Physics, 140, 214315 (2014).